Sam Eastwood

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Super Foods Uncovered

Sounds like something super heroes would eat but actually it's just a word used to describe highly nutrient dense foods. It's not really it's own category of food, but what the word 'super food' does refer to is mostly plant based foods that are very dense in nutrition, for example ice burg lettuce IS NOT a super food, but blueberries are. 

There are many super foods and in my opinion everyone should do their best to get as many of these foods into their daily life as possible. Simply because they are like little morsels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more! 

All food is made up of ‘macro nutrients’ and ‘micro nutrients’. Macro nutrients are carbs, fats, sugars and proteins. Micro nutrients are minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. See the difference?

I combine a lot of these foods in my GetSetBody program and Chef Kats recipes. ALL the weekly menu plans guide you to live by these rules of highly dense, nutrient packed meals at every meal. Super foods included! Check it out at

Super foods tend to be the foods that are densely packed with ‘micro nutrients’. 

Here is a wonderful list and as always, the highest quality forms of these foods are the best choice. Organic, Non GMO and purchased from a trusted reliable source. 

  • Turmeric grams anti inflammatory properties and great benefits to the liver

  • Coconut Oil anti parasitic, research shows helps to prevent Alzheimer's and other neurological problems, great for focus, clarity and body lubrication

  • Chia Seeds filled with healthy fats & protein

  • Raw Cacao one of the highest sources of magnesium, a mineral your body uses for more than 300 chemical reactions (such as building bones and converting food to energy).

  • Beet Juice a well known cancer fighting food and dense with minerals and vitamins, 

  • Sweet Potatoes grams the intense color of these starchy veggies lets you know they are filled with beta-carotene, vitamin A and you entire daily supply of almost all the vitamins and minerals a boy needs!

  • Eggs Each egg has 6 grams of protein but just 72 calories. And vitamin D, BUT REMEMBER not to over cook them!

  • Dried plums (prunes) They're packed with polyphenols, plant chemicals that have been shown to boost bone density by stimulating your bone-building cells.

  •  Walnuts Just 14 walnut halves provide more than twice your daily dose of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that's been shown to improve memory and coordination.

  •  Brussels sprouts They have more glucosinolates (compounds that combat cancer and detoxify our bodies) than any other vegetable.

  • Acai juice A glass or two of this anthocyanin-rich berry juice can dramatically boost the amount of antioxidants in your blood. Careful with the amount of sugar used to sweeten most store bough Acai products. 

  • Apples They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may reduce your risk of lung cancer.

  • Bok choy This calcium-rich veggie can protect your bones and may even ward off PMS symptoms.

  • Steel-cut oats Because they're less processed than traditional oats, they're digested more slowly—keeping you full all morning long.

  • Salmon You'll get all the heart-smart omega-3s you need in a day from just 3 oz.

  • Avocados Their healthy fat keeps you satisfied and helps you absorb other nutrients. 

  • Spinach A half-cup provides more than five times your daily dose of vitamin K, which helps blood clot and builds strong bones.

  • Cauliflower White foods can be good for you! This one is packed with cancer-fighting glucosinolates.

  • Scallops A 3-oz serving has 14 grams of protein but just 75 calories.

  • Collard greens They're exploding with nutrients like vitamin A, zeaxanthin and lutein, which keep your eyes healthy. Wink wink…

  • Olives They deliver the same heart-healthy monounsaturated fat you get in olive oil, but for just 7 calories per jumbo olive!

  • Brown rice It's a top source of magnesium, a mineral your body uses for more than 300 chemical reactions (such as building bones and converting food to energy).

  • Oysters These keep your immune system strong. A 3-oz serving (about 6 oysters) dishes up a quarter of your daily iron, plus nearly twice the zinc and all the selenium you need in a day.

  • Edamame One cup has a whopping 22 grams of plant protein, as well as lots of fiber, folate and cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.

  • Strawberries They're loaded with ellagitannins, phytochemicals that may halt the growth of cervical and colon cancers.

  • Lentils A great source of meat-free protein, a half-cup of cooked lentils also gives you nearly half your daily folate, a B vitamin that protects a woman's unborn baby from neural tube defects.

  • Kiwifruit (kiwi) Italian researchers found that it reduces asthma-related wheezing, thanks to its high vitamin C content (one kiwi has 110% of your daily requirement).

  • Black beans They're loaded with protein, fiber, and flavonoids—antioxidants that help your arteries stay relaxed and pliable.

  • Sunflower seeds A quarter-cup delivers half your day's vitamin E, which keeps your heart healthy and fights infection.

  • Sardines 3 oz provide more than 100% of your daily vitamin D. Sardines are also a top source of omega-3 fats. Try adding mashed canned sardines to marinara sauce and serving over whole-wheat pasta.

  • Asparagus A half-cup supplies 50% of your daily bone-building vitamin K and a third of your day's folate, it's a natural diuretic so it banishes bloating, too.

  • Bananas They're loaded with several kinds of good-for-you fiber, including resistant starch (which helps you slim down).

  • Broccoli sprouts They have 10 times more of the cancer-preventing compound glucoraphanin than regular broccoli.

  • Fat-free milk With a third of the calcium and half the vitamin D you need in a day, plus 8 grams u of muscle-building protein, it's the ultimate energy drink.

  • Baked potatoes Each one packs a megadose of blood-pressure–lowering potassium—even more than a banana.

  • Sweet potatoes Half of a large baked sweet potato delivers more than 450% of your daily dose of vitamin A, which protects your vision and your immune system.

  • Flaxseed Not only is flaxseed loaded with plant omega-3s, it also has more lignans (compounds that may prevent endometrial and ovarian cancer) than any other food. Store ground flaxseed in your refrigerator and sprinkle on yogurt, cold cereal or oatmeal.

  • Dried tart cherries Researchers at Michigan State University found their potent anthocyanins help control blood sugar, reduce insulin and lower cholesterol.

  • Blackberries The king of the berry family boasts more antioxidants than strawberries, cranberries or blueberries.

  • Mustard greens These "greens" (actually a cruciferous veggie) are a top source of vitamin K. For a tasty pesto, chop them in a food processor with garlic, walnuts, Parmesan and olive oil.

  • Grapes They're a leading source of resveratrol, the plant chemical responsible for the heart-healthy benefits of red wine.

  • Brazil nuts They have more selenium than any other food. One nut delivers your entire day's worth!

  • Blueberries They improve memory by protecting your brain from inflammation and boosting communication between brain cells.

  • Watercress With just 4 calories per cup, this cruciferous veggie delivers a hefty dose of vitamin K, zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene and cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

  • Turkey breast It has 20 grams of satisfying protein but just 90 calories per 3-oz serving.

  • Barley A top source of beta-glucan, a fiber that lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar.

  • Shiitake mushrooms One serving (about ¼ lb) provides as much vitamin D as you'd get from a glass of milk.





